Thursday, April 14, 2011


Whew, what a week and a half...
First I went on a road trip to North Carolina and Tennessee, I had a blast. But then I get home, and I become sick as a dog. Yuck...
But now, I'm back! And I have a ton of new ideas in my brain to spill out onto you.

But since I haven't actually made it yet, and I intend to blog at least once a week, my post today will be my workspace. Woo!

So here it is ladies and gents. The grand space of work. I have a powerpuff girl's cup that holds all my pens and stuff. I have random paint, glue, and glitter there too.
Oh look in the corner! Is that baby oil? Oh my...
I've got some clay creations by the fat cat, mostly Doctor Who stuff.
The wooden square is my molding station. Sounds fancy, but really when I'm done molding and it's ready to be baked I smack it on the slab to make sure it doesn't stick.
And yes, Glee is on the tv in the back. But, listen up, this is cooler than a high school musical show. My boyfriend hooked up an old computer to the tv. So it's not cable on that tv, it's my Netflix Watch Instantly tv! GASP. I know I know, it's hard for some to grasp, but it's ahhhhmazing. Yesterday I watched Glee, Cheers, Monk, Wings, and an episode of Invader Zim. All while being crafty. Yay for geek fun!
Oh and my Buffy The Vampire Slayer book case is next to that. *hides*
Now, as you might see, my giant fat cat ball of fur has placed himself in the middle of my desk. His name is Gizmo and he likes to be in the middle of everything all the time. Cute, but not cute when handling fur-magnet clay. I can't shoo him away though...look at him...

So that's my desk. It's cluttered, but an organized clutter. Maybe sometime I'll show you the whole room and not just the cluttery desk of doom. This room is my crafty room slash library. Gasp again! I have 5 bookcases in here full of geeky awesome, and a little girly stuff too.

I'm always curious to see other people's desks and see how they operate. Now you saw mine. Cluttery, furry, netflixy, awesomey!

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